Photo Journal: An Ode to Sunflowers in Amsterdam
Vibrant, cheerful, and statuesque, there's something incredibly powerful about sunflowers. Symbolically, sunflowers represent optimism, honesty, joy, loyalty, and longevity. In fact, their scientific name helianthus comes from the Greeks word helios (sun) and anthus (flower) which is fitting not only for their appearance but for their sun chasing habits. Sunflowers engage in heliotropism (sun turning), maneuvering their crown of petals to follow sun rays and catch every bit last bit of vitamin D.
Throughout their lifecycle, sunflowers stretch up to the sky and quite literally chase the sun, rotating their stalks from east to west, searching for light, and capturing nutrients until the sun melts on the horizon. And at night, they turn back east, anticipating the warm light of day once more. Yup, that’s me, your favorite sun chaser.
This summer Amsterdam was unfortunately lackluster in terms of weather yet somehow, the sunflowers still grew to enormous heights! I was (fortunately) swamped with work which left little time for my usual summer adventures. So, in an effort to maintain a mental and creative balance, I made sure to take fresh air breaks and particularly enjoyed the simple pleasure of checking in on my local sidewalk sunflowers.
I love that sunflowers bloom during this pivotal time of year, right in-between seasons. They grow strong during the busiest, brightest days of summer and peak at the cusp of autumn. Sunflowers dazzle us with a burst of radiant energy, precisely when we need it, just as days begin to shrink and chilly air moves in. I’ve always found myself captivated and connected to this particular flower, perhaps because they are the thick, durable cheerful giants of the flower world. Sunflowers tower over their garden companions, adaptable through wind, rain, and strikingly sunny days, always with a bright disposition. Perhaps I share my affinity with sunflowers, not only in height and personality?
I dare you to gaze up the long stalk of a sunflower without smiling!
“ I find comfort in contemplating the sunflowers.”
These gentle giants continue radiating a sense of delight even as their stalks fade and crown sag, beautiful even in their demise. Here we are on the cusp of autumn once again, watching the flowers fade as blustery winds strip the leaves off trees until summer is just a memory. Yet, still, I find myself heading out for afternoon walks to check on my neighborhood sunflowers just like I have all summer long.
The autumn season is always a reflective time of year for me, especially this year as approach my 12th (!) anniversary in Amsterdam. It’s an unusual time to watch the city emerge from lockdown into some kind of ‘new normal’ world. Even though my beloved sidewalk sunflowers are fading now, I still find them so inspiring… a reminder that despite it all, I've also managed to stay steadfast through the wind, rain, and wild moments this city offers. Moving, living, and thriving abroad on my own has not been a simple journey. Just like my beloved sunflowers, I’ve held my head high, reciprocated good vibes, and found a way to keep my face towards the sunshine. I guess I’ll just call myself heliotropic from now on.
Curious for more?
Read about Van Gogh’s sunflowers.
Remember the sunflower labyrinth in Museumplein?